Success Story 1

My name is Rose, I’m an active 54-year-old mother of two teenagers managing a high stress level job. I’ve always been committed to taking care of myself so I’ve exercised for the better part of my life. However, when Perimenopause knocked on my door, weight started to pile on and my exercise routine became compromised. I started experiencing aches and pains, and before I knew it, I had pain from a torn meniscus in my right knee, pain in my left shoulder and right hip from bursitis, and pain in my neck from two bulging discs. I was not in a good state of mind and body, suffering and in pain from several different injuries. At one point, I was noticeably limping, couldn’t raise my arm without pain, and couldn’t sleep at night because I was in such discomfort in my neck. I’ve tried many modalities; acupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy, pharmaceuticals, . . . everything except Cortisone shots, and trust me I was almost there! Thank goodness I met Richard before then! He explained how the body works, anatomically, and logically how I could overcome these physical difficulties to become pain free. Slowly, steadIly, with a consistent program in place I was able to regain my strength and range of motion. We have worked on different areas of my body, focusing on the muscle and ligament groups around the injuries, to strengthen and lengthen the corresponding muscles. Fast forward almost one year later, I can’t tell you how Richard has saved my life. He has not only taught me the importance of stretching, he’s also taught me the importance of taking care of my joints and ligaments as they are inter-related with my muscular skeletal system. It was a slow progression at first, but now, I am stronger than I was pre Richard. I am pain free and back to doing everything I was compromised from doing before. My body and mind are forever changed because of Richard, and I am forever grateful!

-Rose C.

Success Story 2

I am 61 years old Executive Chef at an investment banking firm. In high school I was a track star, a swimmer, a football player and a hockey player. I was also a hockey referee for 20 years prior to seeing Richard. I consider myself to be a pretty active person, walking, hiking and doing a multitude of physically demanding house projects. I started developing pain in my lower back and hips several years ago, so much so, that I had to stop reffing hockey games. My wife and I like to hike. We used to hike 4-6 miles. All of a sudden I couldn't walk more than a half mile, I would get tight and be in
severe pain. The pain even kept me up at night. My boss saw me walking gingerly and asked me what's going on? I told him about my pain and he immediately called Richard and made an appointment for me to see him. Prior to seeing Richard, I tried PT, Acupuncture, Massage therapy and lots of Motrin. Nothing seemed to work. It was amazing how effective Richard’s program was. Within 3 visits of seeing Richard, I was able to hike 2 miles!! I would tighten up, but the great aspect of his program is that he gives you the knowledge and tools to help yourself. So I would stretch right there and was able to go on hiking!!! In a short time I was pain free and walking 4-6 miles again. Also, I started having problems with my chest, shoulder and neck from bowling. Richard has taught me that repetitive exercises tighten muscles insidiously overtime. He gave me a program of exercises and stretches that immediately started working. I was a 120 avg. bowler before I met Richard, now I am a 170 avg. bowler!! I am a lot stronger now. Richard and his yoga programs has turned my life around. He will give you the tools to become pain free.

Regards, Bobby W.

Success Story 3

Richard is “The Stretching Guru”. I am an extremely active 53-year old professional working for an AmLaw 100 law firm in New York City. I lead an active lifestyle, working out with a personal trainer at a gym, practicing yoga, and taking long walks. My vacations have always been active and adventurous and last summer I hiked the Cinque Terre in Italy. In March I pulled my QL muscle, and of course went immediately to a physical therapist, who I saw twice a week. Within 2 weeks, the QL muscle seemed to be healing itself but then I developed sciatic nerve pain, shooting across my piriformis, gluteus medius and maximus, and TFL muscles, all the way down my left leg to my ankle. I added an Osteopath to my healing plan, which gave slight relief, but it was now the end of May, and I was still in pain, so I added an Acupuncturist and an Orthopedist to my roster. The Orthopedist ordered an MRI, which led to cortisone injections in my L1 and T4. Again, just temporary relief. The quality of my life had deteriorated drastically, and aside from going to work, I barely left my apartment. I was reluctant to make plans with friends over the weekends, as the only relief I got was lying in a bath with epsom salts. I was becoming depressed. My boss at work had been telling me for months to "go and see Richard". When I asked "who is Richard?", he responded "he is The Stretching Guru!” Stretching Guru??? YES! Richard “The Stretching Guru” Villella ... saved my life! Richard is a genius. I will never forget our first meeting, when he explained his whole philosophy and methodology and looked me in the eyes and PROMISED me that if I followed his 6 session program, not only would my pain disappear, but it would never return again! Never a more true promise was said! By the 3rd session, I was pain free in my lower back. The nerve pain that I had been experiencing 24/7, and even kept me awake at night, had practically disappeared. By the end of the 5th session, I had gotten my life back!! I am now even stronger than I was before my injury. There are no words that can truly express how grateful I am to this man who gave me my life back! Not only for his expertise, years of experience and wealth of knowledge, but for the kindness, caring and compassion that he showed towards me, as he patiently and steadily helped me through this healing process.

-Tracy L.


Success Story 4

I am an active 80 year old male. Through college I played both football and baseball and since graduation I have stayed active by running, skiing, playing squash, and more recently, by riding a bike. From time to time over the past 20-25 years, I have been plagued with moderate to severe pain primarily in my shoulders, back and knees. I have worked with physicians, physical therapists masseuses and yoga instructors to address the pain.

I was scheduled to make a bike trip to South Africa with college classmates and others in January of 2019. In late December of 2018, the pain from what I believed to be sciatica was so intense and so constant that I pulled out of the scheduled trip. Work with a physical therapist and a masseuse provided little or no relief. The host for the bike trip put Richard in touch with me. Villella called me, took a lengthy medical history and description of the pain, location and other pertinent information and then scheduled a mutually convenient Face Time appointment with me to do exercises which he was convinced would address and resolve my condition. Needless to say, I was somewhat skeptical because of the intense pain I was in and because of the less than satisfactory experiences I had had with other yoga instructors.

Quite candidly, Richard’s work with me was nothing short of miraculous. Before beginning our first session Richard asked me to specify my level of pain on a scale of 1—10. I told him 11. Then, very methodically with very clear and specific instructions, he led me through 4-5 chair exercises and 4-5 floor exercises. Approximately halfway through our 45-50 minutes session, he asked about the level of my pain. Almost in disbelief, I blurted out “2.” Thankfully, Richard continued to work with me through Face Time for 4-5 more sessions over the next 7-10 days to the point where the pain completely resolved. Thoughtfully, he diagrammed, scanned and emailed me the exercises that I had been doing and I have continued on my own to complete most of them 3-4 times per week and I continue to be pain free.

Based on the proven success of Richard’s treatment for both sciatica and shoulder pain, I recommend, without reservation, working with him for relief of any pain from which you might be suffering.

B. Grinnell- Massachusetts

Success Story 5

I run a business for a large financial service firm. I have entered my sixth decade. I have always been very active and actually need daily exercise to manage the stress of my job. I ride the train for an hour each way, which results in way too much sitting at a desk job and on the train. 

Almost 40 years ago I hurt my back in a football game. Ever since, my back has been my Achilles heel regarding my well-being. Activities like pushing the kids on Halloween, riding the bike too many days in a row, playing a fourth or fifth set of tennis, or working too hard in the yard would result in my back getting stiff, sore and sometimes “it would go out” where I would be bent over with pain for days, if not weeks. My back became so bad, I would be in considerable pain by the fourth or fifth hole playing a round of golf. 

I worked with a litany of healers on a weekly basis to calm it down. A chiropractor, massage therapist, Osteopath, PT, you name it and I tried it. I returned to my “normalcy” with the pain eventually subsiding, but the reality is that each year I would be a little less active to avoid the periods when it hurt. 

I went to California on a family vacation and rode a bike for four days hard. Fifth day, bingo, my lower back became incredibly sore and I was bent over with pain. I was in pain and unable to sit at my desk. I spent two weeks in agony and going to my regular group of health practitioners. Historically, a combination of them would calm the area down, but if I became too active, it would act up again and again. Hence, I never got better. However, this time nothing worked. I was in intense, acute pain. Finally I saw a friend on the train, who saw my bent over condition and said, “You need to see my friend Richard. He will help you get better.” 

Under Richard’s extraordinary guidance, I began to learn postures and a physical discipline which has changed my life. Richard’s yoga practice means the adoption of techniques that if implemented each day, will begin the journey to recovery. 

This is way more than just being pain free. Recovery means awakening and stretching those muscles, ligaments, and tendons that have been getting tighter and tighter for my six decades. The result is that I can hit a golf ball fifty yards farther because my hips are actually rotating. It means riding the bike on a regular basis, and it means playing tennis with the legs feeling much better when I finish. I am playing two challenging matches of tennis each weekend, and I am playing better than I have in years. I feel rejuvenated.  Using Richard’s Yoga program, I have the tools to immediately release my back. I no longer have the fear of being in pain for days or weeks. What Richard shares with you, empowers you. His programs allow you to take care of yourself, instead of continually running to some health practitioner, to have something done to you. 

I have stumbled onto an epiphany regarding how to improve my health after all those years where I didn’t address the problem or get better. As my friend told me, you should embrace his Yoga practice. He will dramatically improve your flexibility, regain prior activity levels or if one is dedicated to the practice, even hit a golf ball much farther. Richard has the knowledge and techniques to improve your life. He has improved mine in spades, lost weight, more active, and I feel great before and after I pursue my sports. Thank you Richard! 

Lawrence K.

Success Story 6

I am excited to tell you my story and how Richard Villella essentially changed my life. I am 57 years old and have been a senior executive in the fashion business for over 30 years. I am required to travel the world on often very long international flights, that can last over 18 hours. When trips take me to Europe, I will walk miles on any given day. I would say I lead a healthy lifestyle and I have been devoted to the gym for over 30 years.

In 2014 I herniated 3 discs in my lower back by simply moving a mannequin from one spot to another. I have never had any injury up until that point, not even a broken bone as a kid. Since it happened “on the job”, I was required to follow the Workman’s Compensation protocol, see an Orthopedic Doctor to diagnose the injury, and find a path to recovery. Not knowing any better I followed his guidance and proceeded to wear a back brace, take the painkillers, steroids and see a Physical Therapist. Just writing this makes me cringe-nothing worked!! We added Epidurals and Acupuncture and sleeping on a wooden board for a year! I was physically and emotionally destroyed; it affected my home and work life tremendously. Finally, when describing my plight to a business associate, he told me that I must meet Richard, who had helped him with a shoulder injury he incurred from a cardio kickboxing accident. At this point I was willing to try anything except surgery, and I have always been a huge believer of supporting people recommended by others I trust. Now comes the good part; the road to recovery!!!
I was emotionally and physically a wreck when I had my first visit with Richard, MRI in hand, and full of desperate hope. From the onset what he explained to me made perfect sense, that through “proper” stretching and breathing, I could work through the pain and find a path to recovery. He was honest and sensitive to my situation and almost out of the box showed me how to start to heal. I had no idea about Yoga through the lens of a healing practice but had tried meditation to calm my stress level, so I was open and committed to giving this a real try. No more drugs, I threw them all away and started my journey towards healing. Five years forward, Richard has helped me in ways I could not have imagined. His commitment and caring (never preachy) has been a blessing in my life that I am extremely grateful for everyday without pain. I have been shown the tools to heal myself and to this day I see Richard weekly. The big win is that I now have the skills to help myself through his teaching, I still take those longs flights around the world, but I am no longer suffering or dreading how I will cope.

Thank you, my friend! Douglas J.